Thursday, September 23, 2010

A brush with the brushes

After thinking about a lot of things I want to blog about, my heart finally gave me go ahead to one particular subject, something that I am really passionate about PAINTING. I wish to share with you some of the paintings I’ve made but before that a little about how the journey started.
I started oil painting back in 2006 when I was pursuing  my 1st year of graduation. I remember, I was at Inox with my mum and there were some paintings displayed there. I was looking at them, appreciating when I came across the gallery’s brochure which said painting classes, learn anything you want to. I said to myself, hey you know what let’s do this! We had holidays and I really wanted to do something. Thus started my tryst with oil painting. I don’t know why I decided on oil in particular, till date haven’t figured that out but it has been one of the best things that has happened to me. The paint, the brushes of all sizes, the canvas, the oil( which by the way has a very strong repulsive smell according to most people, is my drug), my stand and my wooden palette (handed over to me by mum) all contribute to the magic of painting. As silly as it might sound I get excited when I go to Venus Traders and pick up my paints, they have so much variety and it’s fun! Painting somehow seems to be the only thing which makes me forget about time; I can go on for hours and hours along with music playing in the background. It’s been 4 years since I started, feels good because the magic is still intact.
I only paint when I’m in the mood, It’s frustrating (in a good way) when I see some exceptionally great work( it’s one  of things you ”feel” so no explanations here, but have you felt anything like that with respect to anything you follow, you love?) Alright, now sit back and have look at the paintings. A few things to make note of. Most of them are covers of some truly great artists.
      My first painting
This is when I learnt about depth in a painting. It’s  something like depth of field in photography.
What catches my eye: The red/maroon/ black bushes on the right hand side. It probably stands out because all other colours are in shades of green, yellow..

Picasso for you

'Girl with a ponytail' Picasso
Story about the artist and his model. Sylvette first met Picasso in 1954, when she was a girl in the southern French town of Vallauris. When Picasso set up his studio in a nearby house, he spotted young Sylvette and was taken immediately by her classical profile and her lovely ponytail. When at last he convinced her to pose for what became the first of more than forty works of art, the two gradually became good friends. Before long, Picasso's portraits of Sylvette became famous around the world.(source- wikipedia)
Girl Before a Mirror'- Picasso 1932
From 1910 to 1916 Picasso worked with Braque and others on the development of Cubism, a movement Picasso would continue to explore throughout his career. In Paris in the late twenties, Picasso continued to paint pictures in an obviously Cubist manner, and his works were shown in Surrealist exhibitions. From the late 1920s, his work became more marked by a new and mounting emotional tenseness, a mood mixed with anguish and despair. Girl Before a Mirror is from this latter period.(source- wikipedia)
I was blown away when I saw this painting (on the internet of course, the original is in Museum of Modern Art, New York).
Notice the tear coming out of her eye.

Next post- some more paintings! Till then happy viewing. Please post your comments and feedback. I’ll surely make note of it.


  1. Dear Dhairya

    Wow!!! I really enjoyed reading your blog.This is something good you have started. Through colors you can convey and express so many things.

    I wish you all the best in life...

    keep going...


  2. Hey..I would never have noticed the gtear in her eye! Its so beautiful.. Your paintings really good too.. put up some more of your own works too...Good work though... :)

  3. Hey, what can i say....i've always been an admirer/follower of your just so glad u started this that u r there, it'll be easier to follow yr work thru this! All the best and proud of u!!


    PS - dont forget u still have a couple of painting to do for me!! :)
