Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Waiting to strike the right chord..

I’ve made a lot covers. Yes it wasn’t my original work but it helped. While I was learning each of these covers helped me understand the different nuances of oil painting;  ;layering, depth, colour composition and a lot of other thing. Now I wish to create something that completely my baby. Hope to show my work soon. Ideas toh bahaut hain.. !!Some landscapes I made...

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening- Robert Frost

These lines perfectly describe the essence of this painting except for the bit which say woods fills up with snow..winter hasn’t set in yet..I look at it as a house which nature envelopes as if nature herself is protecting the house..A house in the woods away from the madness ..

As I ventured to the wood,
A butterfly had graced my arm,
And knowing I bid him no harm, he
Splayed for me hypnotic wing in
Colours for to urge me sing!

Lines from the poem  ‘As I ventured to the woods’ written by Mark R Slaughter 2009

He flushed and beamed ‘I say to thee,
You bless your land; be filled with pride, and
Cherish e’er yon countryside!

Lines from the poem  ‘As I ventured to the woods’ written by Mark R Slaughter 2009

Keep watching this space for more!

bouquets & brickbats welcome! :)

India’s own Picasso

Hello again!!My next topic of interest in the field of art was M F Hussain. I’ll be honest here. My interest in work came about for two reasons- 1.  The controversies surrounding his work  2. He is India’s world famous contemporary artist. In 1947 he joined the Progressive Artists' Group(intention of which was to "paint with absolute freedom for content and technique, almost anarchic, they were governed by one or two sound elemental and eternal laws, of aesthetic order, plastic co-ordination and colour composition) founded by Francis Newton Souza. This was a group of young artists who wished to break with the nationalist traditions established by the Bengal school of Art(style of art that flourished in India during the British Raj in the early 20th century) and to encourage an Indian vanguard, engaged at an international level.(Source- wikipedia)

Hussain’s enigmatic painting style, vibrant use colours and of course – his extra-ordinary multi-faceted personality has attracted much attention of both art lovers and media.
What completely draws me towards his works is the boldness in usage of colours. One of the thing about established painters is that in all their paintings there will be one element regardless whatever they make. Hussain’s paintings will always have a woman in it with no other features except for a bindi on her forehead. I’ve made some covers of his paintings. Here you go.
1. Picture painting I saw on a postcard promoting God’s own country (Kerela tourism)
With regards to making the painting I remember a lot of layering had to be done. One of things while making an oil painting is that the lesser the amount of linseed oil is used (what water to paint in water colouring, linseed oil is to oil painting) the better is the impact of the paint on the canvas. 

2. Knife painting! Yes literally because I made it using a painting knife.
The knife is made from metal with a wood handle, and has a large crank or bends in the handle, which takes your hand away from the painting surface and helps keep your knuckles out of the wet paint you've just applied. Painting knives come in numerous shapes (for example pear-, diamond-, or trowel-shaped) and are used for painting instead of a brush. Painting knives are excellent for producing textures.

3. The other day a friend of mine asked me what’s the longest time period you’ve spent on a painting, I told him roughly 7 months(here is something which really tested my patience) , reason being I just didn’t get it right in the first go, the way I wanted my reds and the blues and specially the way her hand is placed on the sitar. Remember I spoke about not being in the mood in my first post, that’s exactly what happened here. After a gap of seven months one fine day I got back to the painting and guess what.. completed it in  a weeks’ time. Sweet fruit of patience . :)